The New Catalogue

Stack of magazines

In an age of digital distraction and ever-shorter consumer attention spans, the catalogue is re-emerging as a powerful way to engage customers to interact with brands on a deeper level—and it’s not in the traditional format you expect. It’s smarter, smaller, and less expensive to produce. It can deliver big impact by supporting digital experiences while still giving your customers the physical, tactile experience they crave in the virtual world. Experiences that can help your brand cut through all the digital clutter and stand out from the crowd.


The 7 Life Stages of Mail: Couples

couples quote
Finding their feet, building a future – before, after or without kids. This group of people respond to messages which involve their home, community and social life. These people are 26% more likely to have bought or ordered something as a result or receiving addressed mail.


How to motivate your clients to take action!


With the amount of emails received daily by current and prospective clients, it is vital that marketers cut through the clutter. A powerful call to action is essential for online marketing! (more…)

The 7 Life Stages of Mail: Fledgings

Fledging quote

The “selfie generation” – friends, fashion, fun and the future. This group of people are 32% more likely to trust information in print compared to digital.

Print makes you smarter


When you think of the class room environment, typically you envision students at their desks putting pencil to paper or listening to the teacher talk at the front. Today alongside the pencil and paper, there’s a range of tools that support learning, many of which include digital technology.  (more…)

SMS, the beautiful swan!


SMS marketing was commonly associated with the age old story of the ‘Ugly Duckling.’


Print catalogues win over digital


The most recent issue of the ACRS Omnibus Survey Results reports that print catalogues are still preferred by respondents despite a rise in digital marketing. (more…)

Bookshop printing books on demand!


An all-digital bookshop has opened in Paris. Customers can choose the book they want printed from around three million titles!


The Australian beats the odds with great results

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The Weekend Australian achieved its best print circulation in recent times for the last quarter alongside an increase in online subscribers.


Print marketing wins over social media!


What would you trust more? Something printed and delivered to you, or something sent over the web?
