Make your Marketing Initiatives the Most Effective

Marketing initiatives

Consumer preferences for mail, email and online advertising vary according to the type of message being sent.  (more…)

Catalogues are a welcome addition to Australian Letterboxes

Wholesale Catalog

According to a 2010 national study by Sweeney Research based on 600 interviews, 89 percent of households are more than happy to receive a catalogue delivered to their letterbox, while 85 percent of Australians will read them. (more…)

Postcard Power

vintage postcard collection

Produce high impact results with a simple, low cost, good old fashioned postcard.


Bulk Mail Partner Program

Red Australia Post sign

The Bulk Mail Partner (BMP) program is a recognition scheme designed by Australia Post (AP) in conjunction with the Major Mail Users of Australia (MMUA).


Save time with Quickmail when sending marketing material

Partner with Quickmail when sending marketing material for quality design and quick turnaround! Read how SECFI were able to utilise Quickmail’s services using Direct Mail. (more…)

Why use a thank you card?


It’s personal

Its personal especially if its hand written. Very few people make a habit of thanking the people they interact with on a business level. If its carried out, its by the oh so convenient email which has less and less impact. Taking time to provide a short personal message tells your audience you care. If you don’t believe me then wait till you receive one.

Helps you stand out

There’s very little that’s unique in this world these days so we need to be creative to stand out or just do some of the basics really well. You will get regular customers just by doing the simple things consistently well. These customers regard you highly and delight in telling others about the unusual. Sending them a personal handwritten note says so much more about you.

It’s appreciated

If you have ever received a personal note sent through the mail you will understand why it has such an impact over a personal note sent electronically (or nothing at all). People appreciate the time and the thought and it reflects how they interact with you.

It makes good business sense.

Using just the normal courtesies of life, a little of your time and you can establish a point of difference with the recipient. It makes even more sense when the card has a multitude of messages you can send. Yes you can thank someone but you can invite them, you can recommend them, you can make a suggestion that might not have the same impact any other way. Heaven forbid you could even send it to your staff!

Ditch envelope confusion by clicking download free guides pamphlet

Annual Reports: Talking to your People

Understand the elements of a good Annual Report and you will communicate the successes of your organisation, help investors to understand your future direction and utilise the opportunity to ‘polish’ your firm’s image.

15 Tips for Direct Mail Marketing


Sending targeted Direct Mail can be one of the most successful and cost effective direct marketing methods to reach your business prospects and existing customers.


Want to send a postcard?

Old-fashioned they may be, but they are still an effective selling tool. (more…)

The 7 Life Stages of Mail: Young Families

young families quote
A new life on a different planet, when everything changes. This group of people are 62% more likely to have a specific place in the home where they keep letters. These people are practical and focused on their parental roles, so content is generally more important than design. (more…)