First residential house has been printed!

 first house printed using mobile 3D printing technology

The first house printed using mobile 3D printing technology has been built in Stupino town, Moscow region. The Apis Cor and PIK companies have successfully completed the project which was announced in December 2016.

The house was constructed using a combined mobile 3D printer and automatic mix and supply unit, developed specifically by Apis Cor. With a form similar to that of a tower crane, the printer was able to construct the building from both the inside and outside, incredibly completing the entirety of the load-bearing walls, partitions and building envelope in a single day.

According to the team, the unique design of the residential structure “was selected specifically, as one of the main purposes of this construction is to demonstrate the flexibility of equipment and diversity of available forms.”

Finishes, windows and insulation were installed and applied after the printing of the core structure, provided by third party suppliers. The printing process is flexible enough to allow for the various installations and fittings, adapting to required shapes.

One of the most notable aspects of the project is its cost-effectiveness, with construction costs totalling $10,134 or approximately $275 per square metre. These numbers account for the entire scope of work and materials required to erect a house, including the foundation, roof, exterior and interior finishes, and insulation.

3D printing is really something incredible! Who knows where else it could take us. Watch the YouTube video here.

For all your non-3D printing needs, feel free to contact us! We would be happy to help with short or long run printing, but we can guarantee a fast turnaround- just like the construction of this house!