Quickmail appointed on the WA Local Government Association Preferred Supplier Panel for advertising and media services
“This is a great opportunity not only for Quickmail, but also for WA local governments to build strong relationships with quality businesses.” said Jean Paul Tedeschi, Managing Director of Quickmail.
“This is a strong panel with existing connections between the panel members, that is only going to benefit WALGA members.” he said.
The services that Quickmail are now endorsed to provide councils include unaddressed mail distribution, direct mail distribution, transactional mail, digital printing, email marketing and online marketing. This will give WALGA members the ability to purchase Quickmail services that are tailored to the requirements of Local Governments, without the need to go to tender.
WALGA members and associate members can now also access the best price guarantee for all Quickmail services. This includes the storage and warehousing of marketing and other materials such as brochures, booklets, posters and products. Quickmails established online ordering system gives governments the capability to distribute these materials from a simple online platform.
If you are a WALGA member and would like to find out more about our services, please contact our WALGA contract manager, Iain MacKellar. Iain can be contacted on 08 9493 0477 or imack@quickmail.com.au.
An extensive list of products and services that are available to WALGA members is also published on our website. For more information visit the WALGA Preferred Supplier Directory.