Did you know that the British Legislation is printed on vellum?

Row of old books on table

The thousand year old tradition of printing Britain’s laws on vellum has recently been scrapped, despite worries that this will affect historic practice. In April 2016, all legislation will be printed on simple archive paper.

Vellum has been traditionally used for thousands of years. Vellum is calfskin.


This decision has be hotly debated. A number of members of Parliament have warned Britain will lose an important part of its tradition, and that archive paper will not last as long. Vellum lasts for 5,000 years, whereas archival papers last for just 200 years.

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/entry/uk-stop-printing-laws-on-animal-skin_us_56bb6ebce4b08ffac123792f?section=australia