


Caravanland is a one stop RV Parts and Accessories store. Also selling spare parts and servicing. Family owned with more than 45 employees, Caravanland offer a unique caravan shopping experience.

In late 2015, Graham, one of the owners of Caravanland was looking for the design of a content catalogue. After an online search for catalogue design, Graham found our website. The store is about 5 minutes down the road and as he used to drive past Quickmail every day, the name was in the back of his mind. Graham soon came in to Quickmail to talk about his ideas.


Graham came to Quickmail with his ideas as well as an open mind. He brought in samples of other catalogues to help the brainstorm on what he wanted to achieve. Quickmail’s designer, Roishin, was able to offer advice and discuss the best options for recreating his own catalogue. Together they put together a colour scheme for the catalogue template, as well as layout options and style choices. A printed catalogue is a great way to build your brand and provide relevant information to your customer.

From this point, Graham went away to gather all of the imagery required for the catalogue. This included products shots, as well as extra stock imagery. Often catalogues are seen as a “look book”, showing what is available in a physical store. These types of catalogues offer inspiration to the products, models, variations. They give an incentive to visit the store. Roishin then edited the images as she received them, working quickly and efficiently to show Graham a proof after a large addition of content to the catalogue. For a big job like this, Graham and Roishin had multiple meetings to discuss the catalogue’s changes. These ran smoothly and allowed Roishin to get the catalogue closer and closer to the final product.

Once a final proof was approved, the printing of the catalogues was quick and Graham soon had his catalogues ready to hand out to his customers in store and take to any event necessary.


Roishin and the Quickmail team were able to creatively design and print a 24-page booklet that hit the nail on the head. Each page was succinct and the entire product really came together. While it is hard to track to the success of a catalogue, Graham said that a lot of people would take the catalogues from the counter in the store.

The catalogues were also a great hit when taking them to caravan shows. A few months have passed since Quickmail finished this job for Graham, and he has just returned to get started on his second catalogue. As Graham and the Quickmail team know what to expect the second time around, this next catalogue design will be a breeze for everyone involved.

Print catalogues are a powerful branding tool. Reading through a catalogue brings a different shopping experience to the customer rather than just browsing a website, and this feeling creates customer loyalty. That kind of brand awareness is not as readily available online.

If you would like to considering adding a printed catalogue to your marketing mix, contact the Quickmail team today for quote!