The 7 Life Stages of Mail: Empty Nesters

empty nesters quote
Reaping the rewards, spending the inheritance. These people value longer copy and may read it more than once if it is relevant. They spend about 18 minutes on average reading mail.


Empty Nesters are more likely to respond if the mail demonstrates it understands the value of life experience.


Empty Nesters take pride in their life expierence, but value individuality and choice
  • – Empty Nesters do not see themselves as old. They may continue to take responsibility for elderly relatives or children who have flown the nest.
  • – They can act as conduits for others – children or parents – passing on relevant mail.
  • – They may retain Baby Boom generation characteristics – individuality, choice and empowerment. Mail should recognise this.
Empty Nesters are ‘Living the Dream’, or consolidating – or both
  • – They are free to focus on themselves and enjoy life and are generally less stressed / more optimistic than average.
  • – But many look to the future, with concerns about ageing, health and living on only a pension. Financial management is important.
  • – Consider your message in terms of either the inspiration or reassurance it offers.
Mail is dealt with efficiently: They read, use keep or discard immediately
  • – Empty Nesters are heavy mail recipients who are comfortable with print. Longer copy is read – often more than once – if it is relevant.
  • – They quickly discard irrelevant material; while they are 26% more likely than the average to renew a product or subscription, they are less likely to try new products.
They favour phone and post for response – but they use digital too
  • – Empty Nesters are much more likely to purchase or order by phone (14.5%/index 156) or post (10.5/index 136).
  • – Although they are less likely than younger life-stage groups to respond digitally, 21% say they have responded online via a PC and 3% via smartphone or tablet.
  • – Calls to action should give Empty Nesters a range of choices – so offer analogue and digital channels.





Source: The Life Stages of Mail, 2016