Drones delivering Pizza!


Domino’s Pizza plans to deliver food using drones, in partnership with Flirtey, with a commercial service launching early in 2017.


Pizzas will be falling from the skies within two months under a drone-delivery plan unveiled by Australian chain Domino’s recently!


The multibillion-dollar firm trialled the world’s first commercial pizza delivery today in conjunction with an Australian founded drone firm, with plans to make flying food deliveries widely available early next year.



But there’s a catch for Australian pizza lovers: drone deliveries will take place in New Zealand first due to the country’s more “forward-thinking” drone laws.


Domino’s Pizza chief executive Don Meij told News Corp the company intended to launch “the first commercial drone delivery service in the world,” with today’s trial the first step to receiving formal approval from New Zealand’s Civil Aviation Authority.
Mr Meij said the drone service, provided by aviation service Flirtey, would eventually allow customers to order one of four types of pizza from the Domino’s app, and receive a notification when a drone had flown the food to their home, hovering overhead.


“When it’s in the safety zone of your backyard, you will push a button in your app and it will come down attached to a cable,” he said. “As soon as it hits your hands, or a firm surface, it releases. All the technology is first class.”


The pizza-delivering DRU Drones will fly at speeds of 30km/h, 60m in the air to avoid powerlines, and will initially only fly 1.5km from the pizza store, though Domino’s expects to increase that distance to 10km.